→ 短片 / Short Film (in Festival Run)
October 1st, 1949. 3PM. A new China has been officially established. With its new anthem played, national flag unveiled, and a 21-gun salute fired in the distance, someone proclaimed: “...now, the people's war of liberation has been won, and the majority of the people in this country have been emancipated. ”
Among the important people on Tiananmen Square, there can be seen a few female party leaders. To these early women revolutionaries, who have fought alongside their male comrades for three decades, the formation of this new government manifested their own radical vision of a socialist nation in which women as well, would enjoy full equality and human dignity.
On this joyous night, somewhere, a Chinese bride quietly awaits.
Among the important people on Tiananmen Square, there can be seen a few female party leaders. To these early women revolutionaries, who have fought alongside their male comrades for three decades, the formation of this new government manifested their own radical vision of a socialist nation in which women as well, would enjoy full equality and human dignity.
On this joyous night, somewhere, a Chinese bride quietly awaits.

Film Director: @xiiiaoh
Producers: @ling.z.q and @lzjei
Designer & Screenwriter: @sangongtushen
Production Design by: @vivienneliudesign Director of Photography: @evan_feng_
Music by: @oscarpanmusic @zi_pun
Sound Design by: @su.zhoou
Choreographer: @yinglunkkzhang
Graphic Design by: @freezeshi
VFX Lead: @celine_caooo
Colored by: @philchoe
Edited by: @katyiii and @xiiiaoh
Talents:@yanziding2222 @iamyiliu @_cicicyz @gracechangishere @irene.lo.yilin